


Iā€™m a writer currently working on the digital team at Commonwealth//McCann as an Associate Creative Director (Copy). I like describing things, solving problems, and helping Creatives and their ideas reach their full potential - and try to do all three with more kindness than is necessary.


  • 10 years of automotive advertising experience working on Chevrolet, including site, pre-roll, video content, social, OLA, and more!

  • Earned a BA in Telecommunications and Film, and an MA in Creative Writing from Eastern Michigan University.

  • Tall enough for it to be noticeable and inconvenient, but not monetizable.

  • Have worked as a cobbler, janitor, data enterer, official starter of the Michigan State Fair Pig Races, and professional music critic.

  • Universally loved by any dog larger than a box of tissues.

Email me at gheaney@gmail.com for freelance work, offers that cannot be refused, or discussions about Blade Runner.